The Æther Cognizant

The Cognizant Report

It's been a very long time since I've updated The AEther Realms. To be honest I haven't had much time and if my prediction is ev...

Resistance Is Futile

Resistance Is Futile

by GEIST von PA, Jul 3, 2012, 6:41:59 AM
Literature / Characters & Settings / Sci-Fi & Fantasy / Profiles

The last soul survivor of my family.

My skeletal structure protrudes through my blotchy, flea infested, fragile skin.
My face has sunk in but barely noticeable do to the wiry scuff of a beard.
These paper thin robes offer no protection against the chill in the air.

They make me sit on a hard plastic chair.
Interrogation room brightly lit.
I'm staring at myself in the two way mirror.
I'm only thirty but to the appearance I could pass for eighty.

I keep what I hold dear in my mind.
The memories of my loved ones, my family.

They have not broken me, I don't think they ever will.
I have nothing they want.
I'm not special in anyway other than my will to remain who I am, not to conform.

The drugs, the washing room.
Everything they tried has not worked.
They don't like my formality, it conflicts with what they want to achieve.

Death would be too easy for them, for me.
They have others unwilling to conform.
They use us like lab rats, test subjects.
They want to know why we cannot be changed.

A long white lab coat enters the room.
The clicking of small heels is the only sound.
Circling around to my back, I watch as the white gloves hold up a needle inserted into a vile of orange liquid.

Two clicks.
The coat approaches, kneels.
I look directly into her eyes through the mirror.
She likes to watch by being eye level with all her patients.

I have kept a somber stooped look about myself this whole time.
My eyes adjust to the coat in the mirror.
The white gloves with needle in hand approach my shoulder.
I give her a small smirk and then a wink.
I rotate my head to the coat and whisper; "I win." just as the needle penetrates my skin.

I collapse off the chair and onto the cold hard floor.

- Geist Von PA

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